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Thursday, August 4, 2011


Todayyyyy, I want to publish a warning regarding what is commonly known as "black henna," especially since it is gaining popularity readily here in the United States.  You may encounter it in small touristy stores, at the pier, or at festivals and fairs.

I most recently encountered it at my favorite local shop where I pick up emergency henna in a pinch ( my dad and I joke that it's perfect for your friendly neighborhood witch).  I was discussing henna body art with my cashier when she started raving about how wonderful this black henna was that her friend did on her - this stuff he called "tiger's blood" left a really great dark black stain and I should try it if I can. This put me on guard.  Here's why:

**Black henna is black because it has additive dyes found in hair dye, namely a chemical called ParaPhenylenediamine (PPD). Numerous children and teens painted with black henna have been scarred permanently and suffered other reactions.  If you think about it, we usually only leave on hair dye for a half hour or so; we leave henna paste on our skin sometimes for up to 12 hours, and it can potentially absorb through the skin into the bloodstream instantly.  IN ADDITION, if you do suffer a reaction to PPD, you will suffer reactions to everyday things containing PPD FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.  This includes synthetic hair dyes which also may contain PPD. Imaging breaking out after touching a piece of paper containing print printed with PPD containing toner.  How embarrassing.  

The Florida Department of Health issued a formal warning regarding black henna.

So here's the difference. Henna: natural. red to brown stain. safe  Black Henna: supplemented with unnatural chemical ingredients.  black stain. often instant. dangerous.   Here's some further convincing material:

Although that is a pretty badass scar if you're going to have one.

Five-year-old Boy Left With Intricate Dragon-shaped Scar After Henna Tattoo Goes Wrong

Black Henna Tattoo Inflicts Itch, Pain

Black Henna 'Tattoos' May Leave Lasting Damage

The Henna Page's warning against Black Henna: 

I prepare my paste myself, fresh for each occasion, and my paste NEVER EVER contains PPD or other synthetic dyes.  All natural baby.

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